Personally, I think a lot of things are fated to happen. I believe everything happens for a reason and no matter what decision you make to try and change your fate it will always lead back to what it was in the first place. I think in my personal experience every hard ship I have ever been through has played itself out.
If I was having my fortune told I would ask if I am going the right direction, what my future career will be, what college I will go to, and who I will live the rest of my life with.
I believe in astrology because if you look deeper into the subject you understand more about yourself along with other people. Sometimes when people make little astrology posts on social media, they are wrong because every person is different. Their sign is based on not just your birthday but the time, and year. I tend to disregard fortune cookies unless they are telling me to be positive of happy or live with friends a little more.